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How can bookbinding and writing shift our focus and bring more clarity and joy into our lives? In this class, we'll explore the how-to's of bookbinding, and the benefits of a daily writing practice -- two amazing tools we can use to stay grounded on the path of self-discovery.
about this workshop:
You'll learn about bookbinding tools and processes and walk away with two-hand stitched journals, made by you, and the tools needed to make your own journals at home. We'll also explore a list of ways to use your journal - perfect for staying grounded this winter.
Keep both journals, or keep one and give one away!
Ticket price includes all materials needed to make two notebooks in class, along with a take-home tool kit for creating your own journals at home. This class is perfect for anyone who is interested in bookbinding, journaling, writing, or simply learning a new skill and is a great compliment to Kelly's paper marbling class.